We have grouped all the sustainability into five focal areas
Shafi Texcel Limited is trying its best, to reduce carbon emissions & significant cost reduction by using more efficient equipment.
Shafi Texcel Limited has achieved targets 2019-20 in terms of saving Electricity 1,314 MW/year, steam 10,470 Tons/year & Coal 1,981 Tons/year.
Under below initiatives has been taken by Shafi Texcel Limited regarding Energy Management:
- Replacement of Old Power Generators with Energy Efficient Generators, which saves our Natural Gas 648,000 m³/year.
- Installation of Heat Exchangers at Yarn Dyeing Plant to extract Energy from Hot Waste Water.
- Recovery of heat loss after doing Thermography and steam pipes insulation.
Water conservation includes all the policies, strategies, and activities to sustainably manage the natural resource of Fresh Water, to protect the hydrosphere, and to meet the current and future human demand.
Shafi Texcel Limited has achieved targets 2019-20 in terms of tremendous water saving 181,229 m³/year.
Our water management strategy includes the following initiatives:
- Reuse of RO rejected water
- Reuse of softening rejection water.
Chemical management is a systematic approach to procuring, storing, using and disposing of chemicals within a facility.
Shafi Texcel Limited has achieved targets 2019-20 in which:
- We have eliminated 11 Priority harmful Chemicals from our Supply Chain by
- We have achieved ZERO discharge as per ZDHC program.
- We are saving 4,517 tons/year of caustic per year from caustic recovery plant
Shafi Texcel Limited has set the vision 2022 in terms of Chemical management:
- Reducing Chemical Consumption by improving liquor ratio and following ZDHC/DETOX.
To reduce our waste generation, we have put immense focus on waste management.
Shafi Texcel Limited has achieved targets 2019-20.
STL has set the vision 2022 to reduce waste up to 1 % by using the methodology of reuse.
Pollution control is the process of reducing or eliminating the release of emissions into the Environment.
By getting hot water from CRP, we reduce 3,962 tons/year of CO2 emission in the environment by not burning the coal.